Dude, is it totally bad that my new addiction is Twitter?!?! Like I had one last year before all of the hype but I cancelled my account and then I signed up again at the beginning of the year, didn't like it so I nixed that account too...and now I'm back. I actually like it this time around because I'm following some pretty interesting people and I'm naturally nosey so it satisfies the need to be in the know at all times. :) But its a serious addiction, last night I found myself Tweeting throughout Making the Band 3, and then updating it before I went to bed. LOL I know I only have 6 followers but geez, I can't help but let everyone in on my life...I'm a SUPER STAR, thought you knew! HAH
I wonder how long it will be around, will it be like myspace and facebook or will it fizzle out like Friendster and hi5? Only time will tell......
So follow me:http://twitter.com/msdocudrama
12 hours ago
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