Grrr! So i'm at work and I'm trying to finish up a few things before tomorrow and my stupid wi-fi keeps disconnecting...It's been doing this since I moved into this building and it's making me SO mad.
In other news.
So last night we had another successful Happy Hour/Cocktail night! I'm really proud of myself, I had the idea and sprung it into action. I think it's a lot of fun and a great way to get closer to people that are sometimes misunderstood. Last night after dinner/drinks we ended up going to the lounge in Belltown. It was a lot of fun and man I think I may have a new crush. LOL. I've seen this guy many times before but never have I had any 1:1 contact with him, well ever since I started wearing my hair natural he has been noticing me a lot more, usually before I even recognize him. Last night was no different, he spotted me (how could you miss the only black girl with a big afro) and he walked right over. We had a nice little convo about nothing, I smiled and nodded and he just talked and talked. He is the cutest thing my eyes ever did see. He is filipino, I have always said that if I join in the swirl whirl that I would either date a filipino or a white dude. There is something about this guys swag that is just off the ricktor, i'm impressed.
I really don't think that I should have went out last night because I am SO sleepy and I am literally trying so hard just to keep my eyes open, its really tough. I just don't understand how I can have a job but be SO bored. Hopefully my next role will be much more fulfilling.
Tomorrow this time (Wow was that dislexic or what), this time tomorrow I will be in Vegas! I'm so excitied this is a much needed vacay so things will hopefully go smoothly. I am trying to work on focusing on just being me and having fun and not so much on men.
Over the last couple of days men of caused me so much trouble. Not going into because I have forgiven and forgetten so its done.
Aww 15 to 5, but I'm still going to be here a bit longer...
9 hours ago