i have been natural for about a year and some change, i am enjoying the experience and loving my hair more and more everyday. i remember when i decided last february to do my BC, my relaxer had grown out and i had all this fun new growth that wanted to do its own thing. i was in the bathroom looking at my reflection, i found a pair of scissors and in a seconds impulse began snipping away at my long relaxed locks. as i watched my hair fall into the sink and on the bathroom floor i paused for a breif moment and stared at myself and asked "what are you doing?!?" all i could say was "being free" and i continued to snip away. when i finally finished i had about 3 inches of hair on the top and 1in on the sides and in the back. lol, i had somewhat of a mohawk. i stared at myself and smiled because i knew my mom would kill me for cutting my hair, but at that point i didn't care. i felt so free and i felt truly liberated. i can't express the feeling i felt when i decided to go natural and actual followed through with it. over the course of the next few months i tried different styles but in an effort to grow my hair opted for singles(braids)...during the fall i decided to let my newly grown afro filled with kinks and curls to fly free. i received so many compliments and questions and of course a few blank stares. last year was such a learning experience and i can truly say that going natural aided in my growth and maturity that i gained during 2008.
now its 4 months into 2009 and i am still in love with my hair, i found that i never needed a relaxer to began with because as my momma says i have that "good hair". recently i have been wearing it in a straight style by flat ironing it...today its in its natural state and poofier than ever. :). i find that i have so much more versatility with my natural hair, i can wear it straight, curly, afro, braids, locks, twists, anything i want i can do and i love it.
i have found it hard in the dating world with my natural hair, most black men say they love a women who has their own hair and would prefer her to be natural...i smell BS because since i have been natural i have only had a handful literally 5 black men compliment me on my natural hair. i even did a test where i walked into a room of black men (who i didn't know) once with my natural hair and again with a straight (european inspired) wig on. the results were crazy, i got more attention with the wig on than i did with what i was born with. that is why i have turned more towards other races, i find that men who are not black have more appreciation and respect for my decision to go natural. every white man that i have dated since has loved my hair and even called it a turn on, even asian (pacific islanders) have loved my hair...its crazy. so i guess it hasn't been hard just different.
OMGAH as expected i have veered of the main direction of what i wanted this entry to be about, but i've said enough. maybe i'll try again later :)